Saturday, July 7, 2012

Eradicating Cafeteria Catholics

Cafeteria Catholics, were your average church goer. I mean average as they would go to Mass every Sunday; gave a handful of church donation; some of them are active in the Parish; and some of them are hardworking-Catholics. Don't get me wrong, I mean 'some'. These people get a high impact on people because most of the time, they are chosen to lead a big group. They are also called 'Biblically unsound BUT Politically 'polite'. 

These people never says negative about the other sects. Well, that is a good sign. But most of the time they agree with them. These people were so gullible that even sometime 'Pagan' insights are adopted, just because it sounds right, like for example believing the 'Law of Attraction'. This stuff are fed in the masses, as if the Church supports it. 

Generally, they pick and drop important teachings in the Catholic Church. One example is this; most Protestants especially the Evangelicals believe in the "Personal Savior". You might heard it along with a handful of Charismatics; they preached it, and taught it fiercely. In reality, the Church never taught about "Personal Savior", I challenge everyone to open your Catechism and look for this teaching, or even open your Bible....You wont find it. Even in John 3:16 it NEVER been mentioned.  Still these Cafeteria Catholics adopted it anyway. 

The 'Personal Savior' is actually 1/3 formula of "SOLA FIDE" or the Faith Alone Pillar of the Protestantism. This was made as a polemic way to help Protestant to justify that they need not a Church or a Creed or a Doctrine. They only need Christ. If you agree on this, please examine your claim and ask yourself, is this thing Biblically grounded? 

Another thing is the choice to practice 'safe sex methods'. Condoms, IUD, cervical caps or pills and other alike. The theory is that poverty is due to over population.  As a Registered Nurse, I do not support this at all. Poverty is imminent not only in our time, but even in Jesus' time. Do you think Jews need this population control thing? Nope. The only problem on this country is CORRUPTION! Plus, they argue that this is a right for women, for their health. That is wrong! Imagine you as a woman will agree to put these artificial articles inside your body? If these are artificial, then expect side effects. 

Do you know condoms are made ONLY for controlling 'sperm cells' NOT HIV/AIDS, and do you know that every rubber had a tiny microscopic whole that a HIV virus can enter freely? 

Imagine a handful of Catholics agree on this stuffs. 

How to eradicate them?

Each Parish should make this a colossal move towards sanctification of the Family. We are not going to burn these people in the stake.... But we will burn the source.... IGNORANCE! should be burn and destroyed.... How? Massive campaign, let every one know about the teachings and stands of the Holy Catholic Church in every topic. 

Adult Catechism, Academic Bible study with Apologetic, can help alleviate this problem. Let us know our Catholic Faith. It is time to WAKE UP! and STAND ON OUR FAITH! 

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