Sunday, July 1, 2012

My Catholic Bible: Douay Rheims Bible

I had been with other versions of the Bible, but I start looking for a Bible without blemishes of any Protestant Reformation. 

The Douay Rheims Bible is the English translation of the Latin Vulgate. This Bible is sometime compared to the King James Version. 

Not like the King James Version, where almost all Catholic trace were erased, this Bible preserve the Catholic flavors. In addition to that the Douay Rheims was printed much earlier than the KJV. 
I now use this Bible during addressing a polemic questions coming from Protestant Apologist. Here are some the difference of the DRB and KJV:

Luke 1:28
( King James Version) Hail, "thou that art highly favored,"our Lord is with thee
(Should Be) Hail "full of grace," our Lord is with thee.
Genesis 3:15
(King James Version) "Its" shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt "bruise his heel."
(Should Be)  "She" shall bruise thy head in pieces and "thou shalt lie in wait for her heel."
James 5:16
(King James Version)"Confess" your "faults,"
(Should Be) Confess," therefore, your "sins" one to another
Corinthians 9:5
(King James Version) Instead of "woman", they translate "wife" here also
(Should Be) Have not we power to lead about a "woman", a sister
Acts 20:28
(King James Version) Where in the Holy Ghost hath made you "overseers, to feed the church" of God
(should Be) Take need to yourselves, and to the whole flock, wherein the Holy Ghost hath placed you "bishops to rule the church" of God
Matthew 11:10
(King James Version) Instead of "angel" they say "messenger"
(should Be) For this is he of whom it is written, Behold, I send mine "angle" before thy face.
1 Timothy 9:14
(King James Version)For the word "graces" they say "gift" and " presbytery" the Greek word rather than the English word, "priesthood
(should Be) Neglect not the "graces" that is in thee, which is given thee by prophesy, with imposition of the hands of "priesthood."
1 Timothy 3:8
(King James Version) Likewise must the "deacons" be "grave"
(should Be) "Deacons" in like manner "chaste," not double-tongued
James 5:14
(King James Version) Elders for "priests" here also
(should Be) Is any man sick among you? Let him bring in the "priests" of the church, and let them pray over him
Acts 15:2
( King James Version) The "priest" they say her also "elders"
(should Be) They appointed that Paul and Barnabas should go up and certain other of the rest, to the apostles and "priests" unto Jerusalem.
Genesis 47:31
( King James Version) And "Israel bowed himself upon" the bed’s head
(should Be) "Israel adored God, turning to "the bed’s head.
Romans 11:4
(King James Version)I have left me seven thousand men that have not bowed their knees to "the image of" Baal
(should Be) I have left me seven thousand men that have not bowed their knees to Baal
Genesis 37:35
( King James Version) I will go down into the "grave"
(should Be) I will go down to my son into "hell" mourning
Genesis 42:38
(King James Version) For "hell" they also say "grave"
(should Be) You will bring down my grey hair with sorrow unto "hell"
3 King 2:6,9
(King James Version) "To the grave
(should Be) Unto "hell"
Hosea 6:14
( King James Version) O death, I will be thy "plagues;" O "grave", I will be thy destruction
(should Be) O death, I will be thy death; I will be thy sting, O "hell"
2 Timothy 4:8
(King James Version) For "justice" they translate to righteousness and for a "just Judge" they say a righteous judge
(should Be) Concerning the rest, there is laid up for me a crown of "just ice," which our Lord will render to me in that day, a just Judge
1 Timothy 5: 17
(King James Version) "Elders" also in this Bible
(should Be) The "priests" that rule will, let them be esteemed worthy of double honor
1 Timothy 5:19
(King James Version) Instead of "priest" they put "elder"
(should Be) Against a "priest" receive not accusation
Psalm 6:5
(King James Version) In the grave, who shall give thee thanks?
(should Be) But in "hell", who shall confess to thee?


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