Thursday, December 23, 2010

Faith Alone....Lonely tactics

What does faith Alone can give you?

Simple. None. Have you ever consider this type of faith easily fades away? Because of feelings alone. Once a so-called "Christian" would profess his faith through confessing: that Jesus is his personal Lord and Savior; makes a feeling of false security. Why? Because it rubrics of faith is not and never mention in the Sacred Scripture. In addition to that it was ONLY brought by feelings, not to mention IT IS AN ONE TIME EVENT.

After the so-called jolted feelings of subsides. However, Evangelical / Pentecostal music supply the feelings needed to fired up one's faith. If someone still needs a fuel to run a faith, through music and heartfelt sermon that almost takes the whole Worship time, it's sound more mental hallucination than expressing the truth within.

Catholic's perception on "PERSONAL SAVIOR"

When I join the Catholic Charismatic community, this expression is undoubtedly misused sometimes. Especially, if the speaker is not convinced about the truth the Roman Catholic Church uphold, such indifference ONLY happen if such faithful read books published by Christian heretics.

Although this expression is NOT found in the Catholic Catechism as part of the official church teachings, BUT it hold ONE supreme truth. In John 6:50 and onwards, described Jesus as the bread that comes from heaven...The Manna.

The Apostle described how Literal Jesus meant when He said that to have life in us, we (faithfuls) must take and eat and drink His blood. No wonder at the last verse, Jews left him.

In our Church, the Roman Catholics alike had a literal expression of "altar call". Each Catholics, after examining his faith rose up from the pews and approach the Priest to receive the real Jesus Christ as their savior.

So when a so called "Born Again" asked me. "If I already received Jesus as my personal savior?"
I reply: "Yes, I did accept Him as my savior and my Lord....BUT NOT A ONE TIME EVENT... I ACCEPT JESUS AS MY LORD AND SAVIOR.....NOT ONCE....BUT ALL THE TIME...."

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