Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Protestant eating his own stuffs

Protestants sometimes do this.....their minds are not stable....

Paul Cesar Duran
{{{I believe the Bible as inspired....but not as literalist way as what Protestant do...}}}

No Archie... you are prejudiced with Protestants that's why...you believe the Bible as inspired and that's just it... Inspired... and then nothing more...

{{{Your Faith is at stake.....we Catholics hope for it....do not claim as you were saved...}}}

Romans 10:9
9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Have you declared this already Archie?

{{{So? and also in the Traditions of the Church...}}}

Not all... Jesus Christ made many things new which people learned from the Old Testament, that's why He came.... to make some new practices because the old ones will be obsolete...

Absolute salvation... absolute authority...

Turn to Jesus Christ..... He is...

{{{ half true...but he never change Mosaic law He (Jesus Christ) he was the epitome of the Law! }}}

It was God's law, by the way... not Moses'...

Archie posted:

{{{ No its not....you said Absolute Salvation....there is no assurance of Salvation. }}}

Because assurance of salvation was never mentioned to you, that's why...

Jesus Christ is the assurance of salvation... do you believe this? Yes or no?
Now he said....

For a while I used to wonder why Jesus didn't cast Satan out of Judas. After all, he'd sent demons out of people before. He could have saved Judas, right? Set him free from the devil? Why didn't he? I thought I finally had a question that cornered God.
But then I remembered that everything Jesus did was guided by perfect love. Judas had chosen his own path and priorities, just like that rich young man whom Jesus let walk away. Judas didn't want to be saved. Jesus had to let him go because Judas wasn't ready to be a follower.
See the Protestant turn 380 degree?

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